Thursday, March 25, 2010

Empowering Ancient Ways

– Deepening our connection with nature through

Ancient Wilderness Living Skills -

The core skills of this course have been brought together after much preparation and introspection as to how to incorporate the most well-rounded and universal wilderness wisdom and teachings into one week-long experience. This course provides the ingredients to enrich the life of anyone who lives on planet Earth, from the most seasoned wilderness guides to wildlife biologists, busy professionals who yearn for the sanctity of the wild, or anybody interested in being thoroughly introduced to wilderness living skills.

Our Passion to teach has evolved from our experience as passionate students, learning to integrate the wisdom found in pure wilderness, and emulating that firm sense of connection. Our approach has evolved out of learning to help our students to create intentful routines from the skills that have lasted through all time. We set students up for success by helping them to become aware of the wilderness that surrounds them all the time. Here begins the journey to understanding the difference between Wilderness Survival & Wilderness Living. The choice is yours, when you make it.

Course Topics Include:

Shelter, Water, Fire, Food
Wildlife Tracking
Bird language, concentric rings and base line symphony
Stone, bone, and antler tools and usage
Tree and Plant Fibers- Harvesting, Processing and Preserving
Tanning and Preserving Hides and Animal Skins in various ways
Stalking, Natural Movement, and Camouflage
Stewardship and Caretaker Ethics Emphasized
Empowering our ecological footprint (your tracks)
Traditional cooking and food preservation
Container making, and More!
Student Testimonial

“My experience at Empowering Ancient Ways really helped to clarify the direction I want to take in my life. The awareness skills and sit spot exercise helped me acquire my summer job last year and reinvigorated my interest in pursuing post-graduate studies at university. The teaching and support given by Skeet and the rest of the crew was incredible and really helps you strive for success. The bow drill was personally the most difficult skill that I succeeded in performing and gave me the greatest sense of accomplishment I’ve had as far back as I can remember. The people that you meet there are great and the sense of community that develops exceeds the duration of the courses. I would highly recommend Sticks and Stones Wilderness School to anyone who loves the outdoors, wants a challenge or wishes to experience something new. I am definitely looking to take more classes.” ~ Chris Deduke, student

When: April 25 – May 1 & Sept 5 – 11, 2010

Where: Kimbercote Farm, Grey Bruce County, ON

Cost: $650

Includes: Instruction, 3 hearty meals/day, dorm style accommodation or camping and materials for duration of the course.

Contact Chris at for more details

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